We at Hounds4Homes understand how crucial it is to preserve and respect your privacy when it comes to your personal information.

This privacy statement describes how “Hounds4Homes” (Hounds4Homes.co.uk and its subdomains and its apps) obtains, uses, protects, and controls any information you provide when using our services, as well as the circumstances in which we may release that information to third parties.

You can be sure that if we ask for information from you that enables us to identify you when you use our services, it will only be used in accordance with this privacy statement to carry out our services for you.

By periodically updating this page, Hounds4Homes may make changes to this policy. To make sure that any changes are acceptable to you, you should periodically review this page. You consent to be bound by this policy and our conditions of use, which are a component of this privacy policy, by using our website and our services.

The owner and operator of the Hounds4Homes website and app is Hounds4Homes. You can reach us by using the ‘Data Controller’ option on our contact us page or by writing to us at Hounds4Homes if you have any queries about this policy or our practices.

Who are we?

We are Hounds4Homes Pet Classifieds, the most well-liked specialized pet classifieds platform in the UK. Our services are offered through our website (Hounds4Homes.co.uk, its subdomains, and its apps).

How do we get data about you?

When you browse and use our website or apps, we receive, store, and use your personal information as outlined below.

How do we get data about you?

When completing any forms on our website and apps or contacting us via email, the following information is collected while you are using our services. In order to provide you with our pet classifieds service, prevent misuse of our site, and enforce our terms and conditions, we only ask for the information that is required

Information you give us when you register with us, including your name, contact information (including email address), and if you want to receive newsletters.

Your phone number, zip code, and any other details you put in the listing description are all examples of information you may provide when making or amending a pet listing.

Information you send to our support team when contacting them through either their “contact support” website or our “contact us” page.

Messages sent to vendors using the message button on any pet listing or user profile page must include the information you give.

Information you submit to us when you report any pet postings.

Information you provided to us through an online survey that was completed on-site or via email.

Information you give us when you decide to utilize our identity verification service in order to stop/detect fraud. The information on the identity paper submitted, as permitted by the relevant law, as well as the photos used in the procedure are all included in this. An identity verification service offered by Onfido to a third party collects and processes this information. Please examine Onfido’s privacy policy for further details on how it might handle your data.

• Transactional and payment data, such as name, credit card details, bank account number, billing information, and transaction history, that you provide when you pay for our Services. Our payment processors, Adyen, PayPal, iDeal, Google, and Apple, gather and use this information. Hounds4Homes does not have access to credit card numbers and only keeps the information required to complete a transaction in its database. In addition to this Privacy Policy and our Terms of Use, information about your payments or purchases is also processed in accordance with the service agreements and privacy policies of Adyen, PayPal, iDeal, Google, and Apple.

Any communication you have with our support staff, whether it be through the website or by email.

When providing our classifieds service, we may request additional information to help resolve any account issues, such as microchipping details, vaccination documents, pet licensing documentation, vet records, and photos to verify your name and address, like a photo of the header of a utility bill or a driver’s license, among other things. Typically, an email will be used to request this information, which is used to stop fraud and website abuse. You must provide this information in order to access our services going forward, and we will only use it to:

Checking the information on your account and the ads. Please do not submit this information if you do not want it to be processed.

When you use our services, the following data is automatically collected by us:

• When you use our services to create an account or place an ad, we automatically gather information about your IP address, browser type, and device version.

• We gather your email address or other social media IDs that are associated with your account if you register for our website or app using your Gmail account or other social media credentials.

• As you browse and use our website, we may collect information about your computer, visits to, and use of the website, including your IP address, location, kind of browser, referral source, length of stay, pages viewed, and activity on each page.

Other Personal Information You Send Us: Before sending us any other people’s personal information, make sure they have given you permission to do so and are aware that it will be handled in accordance with this privacy statement.

How We Utilize and Maintain This Personal Data

All personal information you provide on our website or mobile applications will be used for the following purposes as outlined in this privacy statement:

• To make our pet classifieds services usable.

• To offer our pet classifieds service to you, which includes publishing the personal data you supply in your pet listings on our website and mobile applications. Your first name, last initial, and phone number are among the personally identifiable information that is made public in pet ads. You have complete control over what information is made public and can remove your pet at any time.

• To confirm the accuracy of your account information and advertisements.

• To send you crucial service-related emails (i.e., non-marketing emails) about the status of your account or any advertisements you place.

• To personalize your experience on our website and mobile apps.

• To make it possible for us to respond to any inquiries or grievances you or others may have regarding your use of the website.

• To enforce our terms and conditions, for security reasons, to keep an eye on usage and activity on our website, or to assist in the detection and investigation of any potential fraudulent acts.

• To adhere to all applicable laws and regulations.

• To uphold the terms and conditions.

• To safeguard your privacy, our rights, and those of our affiliates, you, and other people.

We process your data based on the following legal justifications:

• We process your data in order to protect our services from improper use, to stop fraud and other online misuse, to enforce our terms and conditions, and for other lawful purposes. For instance, to assist us in keeping track of how our services are being used and preventing the use of numerous accounts.

• We have received your consent, for example, when you chose to sign up for our newsletters, entered your personal information on our website so we could serve you and publish your information, contacted us with a support request, or sent us pictures of your identification or other information so we could serve you.

In order to uphold our legal commitments, there may be instances in which we must use your information to uphold regulatory requirements or assist in any inquiries by local authorities, such as the police, HMRC, welfare organizations, trading standards, and local councils, as well as to comply with our legal obligations. Additionally, when necessary, for the development, exercise, or defense of any legal claims.

Your Personal Information Being Shared

Insofar as it is reasonably necessary for the purposes and under the legal justifications outlined in this policy, we may disclose information about you to any of our employees or contractors while they are performing our service for you or to any member of our group of companies (this includes our subsidiaries, our ultimate holding company, and all its subsidiaries).

Your first name and last initial, which are featured on your public profile, will be published online when you register with Hounds4Homes and post any advertisements there. If you want to display your phone number, the specifics of your advertisement and any telephone numbers you submitted will also be made public.

Additionally, we might reveal your personal data:

• To the degree that doing so is mandated by law.

• If you have chosen to use the deposit plan, your contact information for the person rehoming your pet.

• To any person who we erroneously believe may apply to a court or other competent authority for disclosure of that personal information where, in our erroneous opinion, such court or authority would be reasonably likely to order disclosure of that personal information; • In response to official requests for information from local authorities including the police, HMRC, welfare organizations, trading standards, and local councils to assist them in their investigations.

• In relation to any pending or pending legal action

• To establish, exercise, or defend our legal rights (which may include disclosing information to third parties in order to fight fraud and lessen credit risk).

• To uphold or improve the protection and welfare of the animals featured on Hounds4Homes. This includes but is not limited to, the sharing of information to prevent illegal breeding and make sure that regulations governing animal care are properly implemented. In order to support our efforts to uphold or improve animal welfare and protection, we may additionally collect personal information from third parties, including, but not limited to, information that will assist us in looking into suspected violations of our terms and conditions.

• Without your permission, we never sell, rent, or otherwise make your personal information available to third parties for their marketing and advertising needs. A select few companies may send you marketing communications directly if you have authorized us to share your information with Trusted Partners when you register. We try to limit the amount of personal information we share to what is absolutely essential and directly related to achieving the stated goal. Personal information cannot be sold, leased, or transferred in any other way by Trusted Partners to outside parties. You can contact us and choose the ‘Data Controller’ option from the list if you no longer want your data to be shared with Trusted Partners.


We are devoted to protecting the security of your data. We use both technical and administrative security measures to protect your information, which helps us lower the risk of data loss, abuse, or unauthorized access. To ensure that data going to and from the website is secure, our website employs encryption technologies like SSL. We keep your information on our safe servers.

Despite our best efforts, we cannot ensure the security or integrity of any data you provide on our website, including your account and personal information.

You must take all reasonable precautions to safeguard your account, including regularly logging out, denying anyone access to your account, and keeping your password private by not disclosing it to anybody. For the use of our website, we suggest that you create a special password for you. With the exception of when you log in to the website or apps, we’ll never ask for your password.

But if you think your account has been compromised, please get in touch with us right once.

Transfers of Data Internationally

Our regionalized data center policy ensures that all data from European consumers is kept inside the EEA. However, in some instances, our sub-processors may transfer the data of European users outside the EEA (including to the United States). While we cannot always give users advance notice of such transfers, we guarantee that all of our sub-processors have agreed to the following:

• They adhere to the relevant Safe Harbour frameworks regarding data protection;

• They meet the high standards of EU data protection regulation;

• No matter where users’ data is located around the world, it is protected to a standard that is no less stringent than that required by the EU data protection authorities.

Our regionalized data center policy ensures that all data from European consumers is kept inside the EEA. However, in some instances, our sub-processors may transfer the data of European users outside the EEA (including to the United States). While we cannot always give users advance notice of such transfers, we guarantee that all of our sub-processors have agreed to the following: • They adhere to the relevant Safe Harbour frameworks regarding data protection; • They meet the high standards of EU data protection regulation; • No matter where users’ data is located around the world, it is protected to a standard that is no less stringent than that required by the EU data protection authorities.

Additionally, any personal data you provide to be published on the website or our apps will be published online and might be accessed globally via the internet. We are powerless to stop others from using or abusing this information.


The Hounds4Homes website requires users to be at least 18 years old to register, and we never purposefully collect personal information from children. We shall remove any personal information we may have in our databases that we suspect to belong to a person who is under that age.

You Rights

You have certain rights under the General Data Protection Regulation as a data subject, which are listed below. Some of these are limited in numerous ways by exceptions in the data protection rules and only apply in certain situations. If we are relying on any such exemptions, we will let you know in our response to your request; however, some of the rights are intricate, and not all of the specifics have been covered in our summary. In order to fully understand these rights, you should read the pertinent legislation and regulatory bodies guidelines.

Access to personal information: We give you the online resources you need to connect to your account whenever you want to view and access your personal information. You have the right to ask for a copy of the personal data we currently have on file for you. Please utilize our contact website and choose the ‘Data Controller’ option from the list if you would want to submit such a request. Include specifics about the information you need, enough personal information to identify you, and any other pertinent information that will help us reasonably fulfill your request.

Correction of personal information: We give you the online tools you need to log on to your account whenever you want to examine, amend, or modify any information about you that is incomplete or inaccurate.

Right to revoke consent: If we process your personal data with your consent, you have the right to revoke that consent at any time. You can modify your personal information and choices by logging into your account, for instance, to choose not to receive newsletters. By altering the settings on your account page or requesting that your account be closed, you can also control the information we broadcast on our website.

Right to erasure: If there is no compelling reason for us to keep processing personal data, you may contact us and ask that we delete it. This right only applies in specific situations; it is neither guaranteed nor absolute, as we may have good grounds for keeping your data on file as said earlier.

Account closure: You may close your Hounds4Homes account by signing into your account and choosing “close account” under “my profile” or by contacting us through the contact we page. Please be aware that canceling your account may prohibit you from logging in and remove any visible data from the internet, including outdated advertisements and your profile page. Please be aware, though, that we might still need to keep your data for the reasons mentioned above, so this won’t necessarily erase it.

Right to restrict processing: There are particular situations in which you have the right to regulate how your personal data is processed. You contest the accuracy of the personal data; the processing is unlawful, but you oppose its erasure; the personal data is no longer necessary for the purposes of our processing, but you need it to establish, exercise, or defend legal claims; and you have objected to the processing, pending the verification of that objection. We may continue to maintain your personal information when processing has been restricted on this basis. However, we will only process it in any other way if you give us permission, it’s necessary for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims, or if it’s necessary to protect the rights of another natural person or entity.

Right to object to processing: You have the right to object to the way we use your personal information if it is being done for reasons related to your individual situation, but only if the processing is required for one of the following: the accomplishment of a task carried out in the public interest; the exercise of any official authority granted to us; or the pursuit of our own or another party’s legitimate interests. The processing of your personal information will stop if you raise this objection unless we can show compelling legitimate grounds that outweigh your interests, rights, and freedoms, or the processing is necessary for the establishment, exercise, or defense of legal claims.

Right to data portability: You have the right to request that we send other data controllers and/or processors your personal information that we store and/or process.

Right to complain to a supervisory authority: You have the legal right to file a complaint with a supervisory authority in charge of data protection if you believe that our processing of your personal information violates data protection regulations and you don’t think we’ve addressed the problem. You may do this in the EU member state where you typically dwell, work, or where the alleged violation occurred. Any rights you have in relation to your personal data are subject to your written notice to us.

Use of Cookies

We or third parties may use cookies or other similar technologies when users are accessing, browsing, or interacting with our website.

A cookie is a piece of data that a web server sends to a web browser and the browser stores that contains an identifier (a string of letters and numbers). Every time the browser asks the server for a page, the identifier is then transmitted back to the server.

‘Persistent’ cookies and ‘Session’ cookies are two different types of cookies: A session cookie, on the other hand, expires when the user’s session ends, whereas permanent cookies are saved by web browsers and last until the specified expiration date, unless the user deletes them earlier.

Cookies can be “persistent” or “session” cookies. A persistent cookie is stored by a web browser and will remain valid until its set expiration date unless the user deletes it before the expiration date. A session cookie, on the other hand, expires at the end of the user session, when the web browser is closed. Cookies don’t normally contain information that directly identifies a user, but we may link the data stored in and retrieved via cookies to the personal information we have on file for you.

Cookies are used on the Hounds4Homes website to provide the following features. You permit us to place these kinds of cookies on your computer or device by using our website and apps. For further information on removing or disabling cookies, please see the section below labeled “Removing or Disabling Cookies”:

Definitely Required Cookies

These cookies cannot be disabled in our systems because they are required for the website to work. They are typically only set in response to your actions, such as setting your privacy preferences, logging in, or completing forms, which constitute a request for services. Some features of the website won’t function if you set your browser to block or notify you about these cookies. No personally identifiable data is saved in these cookies.

Cookies                                                                Purpose __

cfduid          -Cookies connected to CloudFlare are used to accelerate page loads. According to CloudFlare, it is employed to circumvent any security limitations based on the visitor’s IP address. There are no user identity details present. View CloudFlare’s privacy statement at https://www.cloudflare.com/privacypolicy/.

PHPSESSID     – cookies are produced by programs using the PHP programming language. The user session variables are maintained using this all-purpose identifier. It is typically a randomly generated number; the site will determine how it is utilized, but a good example is keeping a person logged in while they go between sites.

logged p4huserprofile p4hpostingadvice p4hlicense

Cookies are created when a user logs into Hounds4Homes to keep track of settings and avoid caching. There is no personal data stored in these cookies.

OptanonConsent OptanonAlertBoxClosed

Cookies are used for cookie preferences and consent settings. There is no personal data stored in these cookies.

Statistical Cookies

We can measure and enhance the operation of our site by counting visits and the sources of our traffic thanks to these cookies. They assist us in determining the most and least popular pages as well as how users navigate the website. These cookies only gather aggregated data, which makes it all anonymous. We won’t be able to track your visits to our site or evaluate its effectiveness if you do not permit these cookies.

Cookies for social media

In order for you to share our content with your networks and friends, social media platforms employ these cookies. These cookies might follow your browser across several websites and compile a profile of your interests, which might have an effect on the information and advertising you see on other websites you visit.

Cookies Goal datr frThe ability to “like” particular articles and other internet pages is provided by Facebook plugins on this page. These plugins save cookies from third parties from Facebook on your computer. Visit https://www.facebook.com/about/privacy/ for more information on Facebook’s data privacy policies.

By choosing not to accept social media cookies, you can disable them in our privacy center.

Commercial Cookies

These cookies might be placed by our advertising partners through our website. They might be employed by those businesses to create a profile of your interests and present you with pertinent advertisements on other websites. They rely on uniquely identifying your browser and internet device instead of directly storing personal information. Your exposure to targeted advertising will be reduced if you refuse to accept these cookies.

Cookie Removal or Disabling

Utilizing the “Manage Preferences” link in the page’s footer, you can change your cookie preferences at any time on Hounds4Homes.

Additionally, you can decide to disable or specifically turn off our cookies or cookies from third parties in your browser settings or by adjusting your preferences in tools like Norton Internet Security. However, this might make it more difficult for you to interact with both our website and those of other websites. This can involve being unable to log into certain services or software, including your Hounds4Homes account.